Ask the Experts

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: January 15, 2013

altdr minkin ask the experts red hot mamas
Dr Verna McKenzieDr Marina Johnson, Red Hot Mamas Advisor

Our experts Dr. Mache Seibel, Karen Giblin, Dr. Michael Goodman, Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, Dr. Verna Brooks McKenzie and Dr. Marina Johnson field questions from our members. Submit your question.

Dear Red Hot Mamas Experts,

I have not yet finished menstruating. My endocrinologist wants to put me on hormone therapy for my thyroid. I am leery of going on HRT, I’m afraid my cycle will never stop if I do.

Thank you,


Dear P,

Since I am not your doctor with access to all your medical conditions, I can’t give you specific recommendations. However, being on thyroid replacement is not a reason to avoid HRT. In general, as long as a woman is still having menstrual periods, it’s best to only treat with cyclic progesterone. When periods stop completely or if a woman is having severe symptoms, estrogen can be added to the progesterone. For more information, I encourage you to read my guidebook, “Outliving Your Ovaries: An Endocrinologist Reviews the Risks and Rewards of Treating Menopause with Hormone Replacement.”

Good Health to You!

Dr Johnson and the team of Red Hot Mamas Experts