Dear Red Hot Mamas- May 2018

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: May 10, 2018

“Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun.”
– Kahlil Gibran

Dear Red Hot Mamas,

Spring is finally here after our long bout of cold spells we’ve succumbed to in New Jersey. It’s so great to see the sunshine. I know it does wonders for my well-being. There is nothing better for me than to open my bedroom windows and let the warmth of the air seep in. Or, have my morning coffee on my deck outside. This starts my day right.

And, I find this time of year lends itself more to making efforts to change any unhealthy habits I may have had over the long winter months. Now there’s no excuse not to develop a healthy routine which includes eating healthier – fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods.

Becoming physically active is also an added bonus during the springtime season. In my case, getting out in the garden and tending to my plants gives me a workout without even having to go to the gym. It certainly helps me to break out in a sweat.

Another added bonus in getting outdoors is exposing us to vitamin D. If your vitamin D levels are low, it increases your risk of developing disease. So, twenty minutes a day, before 10 am or after 4 pm, is a great way to get vitamin D, if you do not apply sunscreen.

Adopting healthy habits can delay life altering chronic illness. I hope that you understand the importance of taking charge of your own health. Prioritizing your self-care and putting yourself first by taking care of your needs certainly will yield big results and benefits to your health.

So, in closing, interact with nature and enjoy the spring. Keep your eyes on the prize which is good health.

Good Health to You All,

Karen Giblin