Dear RHM- February 2016

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: February 12, 2016

“To attract men I wear a perfume called New Car Interior.”
– Rita Rudner


Dear Red Hot Mamas,

We all have heard the adage “love makes the world go round”. And, it certainly comes to light on Valentine’s Day. Expressing love has always been our purpose as human beings. But sometimes, it gets lost. And, it sometimes needs re-igniting to help us appreciate our spouse or partner, as the special person that initially brought us together. Romance often follows suit, as it is the expression of our love.

Here are some red hot ways to become a better and more compassionate spouse, or partner this Valentine’s Day:

  1. Listen and be nice, as often as you can. Interact positively, rather than negatively and try to suspend judgement giving your spouse your undivided attention. Smile, and show your partner you are listening. Let go of expectations and accept what happens in a more compassionate manner. Being compassionate is about being there for someone else. And, be honest, as honesty equals compassion.
  2. Think about what your spouse/partner needs, even when you are disagreeing on things. Ignore some of the annoyances, and focus on the good. And, if your partner doesn’t want to talk, then give them space. One of the most compassionate things we can do is give each other space if needed.
  3. Remember the golden rule: “Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you”.
  4. And don’t be afraid to admit if you are wrong and openly say “I’m wrong”. That is an act of compassion if it is applicable.
  5. Keep a sense of humor in your relationship. Laughter is the best medicine as sometimes things aren’t truly as bad as they seem.
The Ten Commandments for Loving Couples (written by Gregory J. P. Godek)

  1. Thou shalt give 100 percent.
  2. Thou shalt treat your partner as the unique individual he/she truly is.
  3. Thou shalt stay connected through word and deed.
  4. Thou shalt accept change and support growth in yourself and your mate.
  5. Thou shalt live your love.
  6. Thou shalt share: The love and fear, the work and play.
  7. Thou shalt listen, listen, listen.
  8. Thou shalt honor the subtle wisdom of the heart and listen to the powerful insights of the mind.
  9. Thou shalt not be a jerk or a nag.
  10. Thou shalt integrate the purity of spiritual love with the passion of physical love and the power of emotional love.

In closing, make your Valentine’s Day this year fun, memorable and romantic. Love is not finding someone to live with; it’s finding someone you can’t live without.

Wishing you all a Happy Valentine’s Day,

Good Health to You All,

Karen Giblin