Ask the Experts

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: January 17, 2011


Our experts Karen Giblin and Dr. Mache Seibel field questions from our members. Submit your question.

Dear Karen & Dr. Seibel,

I’m 54 years old and have never experienced the common symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, problems sleeping, etc. The only thing I really find bothersome is a general feeling of unhappiness. I’m not complaining about not having the typical symptoms but I’m just wondering, why?

Thank you,


Dear J,

Hot flashes, sweats, and problems sleeping are very common for menopausal women. You are one of the lucky ones who really doesn’t have those symptoms. Toss it up to good luck. It’s very normal, just not very common. The fact that you are feeling unhappy a lot due to the challenges of the financial times we live in and other personal problems is certainly understandable. Make sure you find time to get in some exercise, at least 20 minutes daily, cut out sodas and saturated fats to boost your mood, and make sure you are getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night. It’s also important to have time for yourself and time to spend with friends and family to help you rejuvenate.

Good Health to You!

Karen and Dr. Seibel