Ask the Experts

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: March 14, 2012

altdr minkin ask the experts red hot mamas
Dr Verna McKenzie

Our experts Dr. Mache Seibel, Karen Giblin, Dr. Michael Goodman, Dr. Mary Jane Minkin and Dr. Verna Brooks McKenzie field questions from our members. Submit your question.

Dear Red Hot Mamas Experts,

Are Siberian Rhubarb and Ashwagandha supplements useful for helping hot flashes?

Thank you,


Dear C,

These products are not considered part of conventional medicine. They have not had scientific studies to determine their safety or effectiveness. I would discuss these products with your clinician and don’t believe just because you are able to buy them from a health food store that these two therapies are safe. They could have potential to produce negative side effects.

Good Health to You!

Red Hot Mamas Experts