Fitness Can Be Free!

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: February 28, 2012

Fitness at menopause can be freeYou don’t need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment to get active. Exercise is any movement that works your muscles and uses more energy than resting. Try walking around your neighborhood, playing tag with the kids, using resistance bands, running up and down the stairs, making your own weights at home or doing push ups and sit ups.

Come up with some creative, free fitness ideas this week. Remember that playing sports, swimming, biking and other fun activities all count as exercise!

Fan your hot flashes away with physical fitness! Yes, you really can control your power surges with regular exercise. Actually, only 1 in 20 women who exercise experience hot flashes. Some experts believe soy solutions for hot flashes actually work better when exercise is incorporated into the regimen. If reducing hot flashes isn’t enough to make you lace up your sneakers, maybe some of these other perks will!

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