Menopause Minute

December – Dear Red Hot Mamas!

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: December 11, 2014

Happy Holidays! May there be Peace on Earth!

Happy Holidays!
May there be Peace on Earth!

Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving,
make every day a holiday & celebrate just living!”  
 ~Amanda Bradley

Dear Red Hot Mamas,

Everyone seems to love the holiday season. It’s a time where we show thanks to so many people. We write our holiday cards expressing our thoughts and love. We meet friends and co- workers at holiday gatherings. Something seems to shift in our minds, hearts and our spirit suddenly seems to come alive. It’s certainly a magical season where we can reach out to others and where we have the opportunity to show our kindness and affection.

It is equally important to take time and care of yourself as well.

Here are some of my personal tips for staying healthy, energized, relaxed and feeling sane during the holidays:

  1. Get out in the sunlight! It produces serotonin & relieves seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Take a walk, it boosts endorphins, decreases anxiety and improves sleep. It’s fun to get outside on a chilly morning, take a walk and greet others with a smile. It helps shift our minds and hearts.
  2. Keep a positive attitude. Being an optimistic person helps you to cope better with the challenges that come your way during the busy holiday season. Learn to be more thankful and practice the art of gratitude.
  3. Forget perfection. Keep it simple. Stop obsessing over having the cleanest house or buying the perfect gift. Holidays should not be about perfection, or spending lots of money. Be creative. You can make an interesting meal for a loved one, or make a crafty gift yourself and make it more personal than a store bought item.
  4. Don’t overschedule yourself. Slow down a bit. Learn the art of saying “no” to those things which aren’t necessary to be done.
  5. Take care of yourself by scheduling some down time. Have a massage, a manicure, go see a movie, read a good book, just take a break from being overwhelmed.
  6. Take time to ‘smell’ the flowers… or citrus fragrances. This sometimes helps to boost feelings of well-being.
  7. Practice deep breathing exercises which will can help clear your mind.
  8. Fit in exercise to boost your mood. A little exercise is better than none at all.
  9. Be mindful of your diet to stay healthy. Set realistic goals to not gain weight during the holidays. It takes mindfulness as holiday gatherings are often about food.
  10. Acknowledge sadness. Many of us remember our departed loved ones and these losses are difficult. If you are struggling with sadness, find a support group that can help you. Many people have sadness and depression during the holidays as well as throughout the year. You are not alone!

In closing, I do hope you can enjoy the magic of the holiday season.
Be kind to yourself and to others who love you.

Happy Holidays,

Karen Giblin

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!