By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: March 26, 2025

Dear Red Hot Mamas,

I am very grateful for your newsletter and happy that you have provided us with the ability to have our questions answered. In fact, my wife receives your newsletter, and I discovered that I could write to you. I work with a lot of women and I think many of them may be dealing with menopause. What can I do to support them? Thank you for your words of wisdom.


Dear Ben,

It seems that you might be indirectly affected by menopause as it relates to the women whom you work with.

It’s important for you to be aware of the challenges that women go through at menopause both physiologically and emotionally. Probably, the women you are working with could really benefit from a more complete knowledge of just how the process of menopause works and ways to deal with it.  But unfortunately, many women lack that information, as well as men like you who are working with them.

Our advice is to you is to try to learn a bit about the basics of menopause to understand what happens to women at menopause. You might want to suggest that your HR department provides menopause education sessions at work.

And, if you hear conversations about menopause at work, be open to participating in it. Lastly, familiarize yourself with any help that is available that could help support the women you are working with.

Red Hot Mamas has a newsletter “The Menopause Minute” which is free to women and our website has a great deal of information on it. We also recommend The Menopause Society for information and they also have a listing of menopause clinicians.

Thank you for writing to Red Hot Mamas. We hope this information helps you.