By: Red Hot Mamas
Published: August 9, 2017
Contributed by Paul Watson- Guest Contributor
Traveling around the world alone as a woman? Worried something terrible might happen? Are you nervous? Do you think your loved ones might be correct about how it is “dangerous”? Not certain where to start?
Well, fear not. Numerous women travel around the world by themselves and end up not only fine but relishing great memories. Follow these 8 tips for traveling alone and you too can have a safe and memorable adventure.
8 Tips for Traveling Alone

1. Dress, act and think like a local
It is one thing to act and think like a local, but it is another to dress as though you’re one of them. And if you truly love to blend in, be certain to take note of what the locals wear and then follow suit. In springtime Hong Kong for example, while it may be humid and hot for you, you may notice that the people are still wearing jacket and pants.
If you love to fit in and not be deemed as a tourist target, you need to simply go with the flow. Essentially, leave your bright summer clothing at the lowest portion of your luggage when you visit Paris.
2. Get to the target location you have to be before nightfall
If you are always travelling, it may be hard for you to monitor the time as the days, weeks, and months go by. However, the general rule for solo women travelers should be to arrive at the destination before night time.
That way, you can get the time to know your surroundings, grab spare supplies before the day turns dark and unsafe. The last think you want is to walk the streets alone with the luggage and a hidden “tourist target” on your head.
3. Always have a backup plan
There is no harm in considering a plan A, B, C, D, and E (and all that). You will be surprised to discover once you arrive at the target destination that it is not like what you have seen in the pictures. For instance, you may arrive at the airport and feel overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar places and faces.
Your unfamiliarity to the place or area can make you feel extremely uncomfortable (as airport areas frequently do). Under such circumstances, you call tell the reception personnel that you don’t feel safe and secure in the area. They can guide you and even request for transport for you.
As soon as you sense something does not feel okay, you can always change your plans. Just trust your instincts; never sacrifice your security; choose plan B, C, or D when required.
4. Let somebody know where you are going
If you are the kind of traveler with an established itinerary, then provide copies of it to your friends and family before leaving. Include as many details as you can as it would provide people with a starting point if something terrible happened to you.
If you do not have one and just go with what’s happening when you travel, then you can make use of your social accounts to keep loved ones updated on your location. Send emails (post an FB status or tweet) daily so that folks can monitor your whereabouts.
5. Read up on the location you’re visiting for security purposes
Read articles or blogs online about any certain security concerns of the area you are visiting. Are there any scams that you ought to know about? Any safety issues you should know, particularly as a solo female traveler?
On the other hand, do not let all you saw online stop you from having fun. Just implement common sense and you ought to be good.
6. Invest in a few safety essentials
Your safety must be of extreme importance. If at any moment, your instinct tells you that something is wrong, then you should pay more attention to your environment (do not worry about being courteous, just escape the situation).
There are several safety basics I like to include on each trip. These take in pickpocket-proof clothing that has hidden pouches, so I do not have to bring a bag along, a safety whistle in order to draw attention when required, a door stopper for hotel rooms with problematic locks, along with a lock to secure my backpack zippers.
If you’re going fishing, then it would be imperative to buy a small fishing boat that you can use to carry you safely over the river.
7. Sit at a bar alone
Sound scary? Being alone at a public bar makes you welcoming, and if something happened, you could just talk to the bartender. Just constantly make certain to watch your drink and drinking. Other great locations for meeting other travelers and locals include money exchanges, walking tours, home-stays and hostels, and public transportation.
8. Keep your valuables with you
But in the first place, you should not bring your valuables!
Well, true. You should not bring anything you’d be unhappy to lose: expensive jewelry, family heirlooms, birth certificate, and so on.
People today travel with modern technology that used to be unfathomable years ago. Most travelers carry a Smartphone with them at least; many bring tablets, laptops, DSLR cameras with expensive lenses, Kindles, and all that.
When you think about the costs to buy any one of those stuff, they certainly count as valuables.
And you should buy a day bag which all your important items can fit into: items include your passport, your medication, your camera, your smartphone, your credit cards, your jewelry, and any other technology, or other valuable equipment.
Never put these things into a general backpack. Also, never put these things into bus’ luggage hold. And never put any of these things into a plane’s checked luggage. If you let these out your sight, there is a fair possibility that they may be taken away or stolen from you.
Final Thoughts
If you are a solo traveler and you get into a position where folks want something of yours, simply give it to them. There are a few very poor individuals who do terrible things, and taking things from others is just one of them. It doesn’t mean that they will harm you.
But you can buy another backpack or iPod or laptop. Do not worsen a dangerous situation by fighting back. The goal here is to be cautious, not scared. I take steps to reduce the risks, but sometimes it is just all about luck.
Author Bio:
Paul Watson is a blogger,, who likes to share information about travel and the outdoors. He expresses his passion for camping and other outdoors no only by embarking on several outdoor adventures but also writing about them. Follow me: Twitter