Life After Hormone Therapy: The Facts Behind the Latest Headlines

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: March 6, 2008

Yes, there is life after hormone therapy.  And, with the advent of new data, we are more tuned-in to what actually happens to our health risks and body when we stop hormone therapy.  According to the most recent study, published in the March 5, 2008 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), we are still learning about life after hormones, but many of our lingering, unanswered questions are being addressed.  The headlines are often scary but, I want us together to take a look at the reality and help answer your questions.

If you are a woman on hormones, or are thinking about taking them, here's the scoop from this particular study.  As a follow-up study to the Women's Health Initiative six years ago, the report examined about sixteen thousand women between the ages of 45 and 65 three years after stopping combined hormone therapy (estrogen and progestin). Data shows that when you stop hormone therapy, the benefits (i.e., improving bone health) disappear and a small increased risk of some cancers (i.e., breast, lung) may continue for three or more years. Additional cancer risk translates to an added risk of three cases a year for every 1,000 women.  We need to realize this is a small number–about 0.3 percent.

"This publication is not a reason to change what you are doing," said Dr. Leon Speroff, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Oregon Health Sciences University and a member of the board of the American Menopause Association.  "It is not strong enough to make a change in clinical practice," he continues.

This new data does not change the current recommendations for taking hormone therapy.  The lowest dose for the shortest period of time is currently the most well-accepted advice among professionals.   Reactions to hormone therapy news seems to be leveling-out.  No big surprises have been released since the results of the 2002 Women's Health Initiative (WHI).

Prior to WHI results, women believed that hormone therapy would make them feel better.  The benefits were greater than the risks and taking it would create better long-term health.  Many women also wrongly believed they could take it for the rest of their lives.  As a result of the unforseen negative findings, many women became frantic.  They felt confused and bewildered, resulting in altered perceptions about their decisions in taking hormone therapy.

The fact remains that a great number of women are hormonally challenged, very symptomatic and looking for options.  Unfortunately, their clinicians don't seem to have all the answers.  So, a dismal picture of uncertainty has evolved.

Things have apparently changed since the WHI bombshell. Many women are learning to cope better with their symptoms and looking into every possible way to manage them.  They are turning to their peers for information, the internet, newspapers, magazines and their doctors in efforts to grasp a better understanding of how to put these clinical studies and headlines into perspective.

I tell all my Red Hot Mamas, "Don't panic when the media releases new data."  Also, it is important to remember- don't become a passive consumer.  I encourage all women to have "heated" discussions with their doctors to get a clear picture of the situation, and work with their doctors in the development of an individualized treatment plan.  Women should recognize the latest news indicates the chance of cancer being caused by hormones is really small.  Still, overall risks remain higher for those who take hormones than for those who don't.

Personally, I have been taking low dose estrogen for years after having a hysterectomy, and it has greatly improved my quality of life.  Life After Hormones does not seem that bad to me!  But, aside from the latest news and my personal choices, women also need to understand that hormone therapy is one option for menopause symptom relief.

There are many other options available that women should discuss with their doctors.  They also need to make healthy lifesetyle changes (i.e., diet and exercise).  And, if you choose hormone therapy as an option, understand the rationale behind the reasons to take it, the length of time you will be on it, what to do if you want to stop it and alternative ways to alleviate symptoms.  

For more information about hormone therapy, read some more Questions and Answers About Hormone Therapy at Menopause including:


Aleccia, J., 2008, New Study Doesn't Change Hormone Message .  MSNBC; Mar 4, 2008.

Heiss, G., Wallage, R., et. Al., 2008, Health Risks and Benefits 3 Years After Stopping Randomized Treatment with Estrogen and Progestin. JAMA; 2008, 299(9): 1036-1045.

Parker-Pope, T., 2008, Study Details Women's Risks After Stopping Hormones .The New York Times; Mar 5, 2008.

Stern, A., 2008, Study of Hormone Therapy Shows Some Risks Persist .Reuters Health; Mar 4, 2008.