By: Red Hot Mamas
Published: November 13, 2014

MenoPro helps women work together with their clinicians to personalize treatment decisions for management of the woman’s menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness or pain with sexual activities. The MenoPro app is based on taking into account the woman’s personal preferences (for hormonal vs non-hormonal options following a trial with lifestyle modifications) as well as her personal risk factor status.
The app has two modes, one for clinicians and one for women/patients, to facilitate this shared decision making.
If you have bothersome menopause symptoms, we encourage you to try this app.
You may also want to read the attached article “MenoPro: A Mobile App for Women Bothered by Menopause Symptoms“(also can be accessed at the NAMS website at The paper and mobile app review the behavioral, nutritional, and lifestyle changes that may help to reduce your symptoms, in addition to a discussion of hormonal and non-hormonal prescription medications.
The free mobile app has several unique features, including helping you assess your personal risk of heart disease and stroke (calculates a 10-Year Risk Score), which is important in deciding whether a treatment option is safe for you. It also has links to online tools that assess your risk of breast cancer and of osteoporosis and fracture.
The app was developed together with NAMS and includes educational materials that can be printed or directly accessed from your phone or tablet, including NAMS’ MenoNotes on lifestyle modifications to reduce hot flashes, pros and cons of hormonal vs non-hormonal treatment options, discussion of pill vs patch therapy, an information page on treatment options for vaginal dryness and pain with sexual activities, and direct links to tables with information on the different medications. Thus, the useful and unusual features of the app include the 2 modes (one for health care providers and the other for women/patients), ability for users to access outstanding educational resources, and the tools for calculating risk scores.
The mobile app has NO advertising and was developed without any industry/pharmaceutical company support.
We hope this mobile app will be helpful to you in working together with your clinician to make informed choices about the management of your menopausal symptoms.
Many thanks to JoAnn E. Manson, MD, DrPH, NCMP, Chief, Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Professor of Medicine and the Michael and Lee Bell Professor of Women’s Health, Harvard Medical School for presenting this wonderful First-Ever Menopause App at NAMS!