5 Ways to Diverse Your Life on Retirement

By: Guest Author

Published: December 18, 2019

Written by Laura Buckler-Guest Contributor

There are many people out there who love to spend their golden years relaxing and enjoying their newly-found freedom. Some retirees, however, look forward to making this part of their lives more diverse and exciting than ever.

The time has finally come to do what you want on your own terms. Do you plan to join a pottery class, organize a smooth retirement travel, or spend more time with your old friends? You can do all this and so much more now that you’re finally the master of your time again.

If you’re still contemplating what you could do to make your retirement fun and stimulating, here are a few examples of activities that can enrich your life in this special time.

Create and follow your own bucket list

Have you ever thought about making a list of all the things you want to do in life? You’d be so happy to check all of the boxes, but you never had the opportunity or the time to try all these things before? There’s no time like the present!

Do you want to visit the world’s biggest aquariums? Try to bungee jump? Learn how to speak Chinese? Indulge yourself and follow your heart. Doing what you love can improve your mental health significantly, and happiness you’ll feel has no alternative.

Become an active, passionate volunteer

When you have a family, a job, and social life to maintain, it’s often hard to dedicate time to causes you hold close to your heart. In retirement, however, there’s finally enough time to help the ones who were less fortunate and give back to the community with your skills and life experience.

Retirees have many reasons to become active volunteers, and as they are passionate, wise, and patient, every organization can benefit from their contributions.

Unleash your creativity: Write, paint, play

If you are the type of person who likes to spend their free time reading, introspecting, and learning about the world, you must have felt the desire to create something of your own at least once in your life. It’s time to let go of the fear of “not being good enough” and explore your creativity to the fullest.

Write poems and short stories, paint portraits or landscapes, and learn to play an instrument of your choosing. Humans can learn for as long as they live, so don’t be afraid that you haven’ got it in you. Should you need it, you can always ask the help of the best writing websites, learn how to paint from online tutorials, or find your own guitar instructor.

Engage in diverse activity courses

Taking care of your mental health by doing the things you love and spending time with people you care about should be one part of your retirement plan. The other part should be dedicated to your physical health, which is just as important.

Do your best to eat healthily and maintain a sleep schedule that helps you feel energized and positive every day. If you are looking for inner peace, yoga can help reduce stress and tension.

Get out of your comfort zone

Last but not least, your retirement should also contain an element of surprise: The one that you arrange for yourself. Even if you are a person who never liked surprises too much, let yourself try something new and out of the box every now and then.

Stepping out of your comfort zone and using it to meet new people, obtain new skills, or simply learn something new about yourself will truly enrich your life.


Once upon a time, retirement was a part of life most people didn’t find exciting. It was a period reserved for contemplation, resting, and going about your daily chores. However, in this time and day, it’s no longer the only choice you have.

In retirement, you are finally free of so many obligations you had throughout your adult life. No more demanding bosses, getting the kids ready for school, cooking for a whole family every single day, and struggling to maintain your social life in the process. Finally, you are free to use your time in any way you like, so make sure to use it wisely.

Author’s Bio

Laura Buckler is a freelance writer from New York who currently works as a content manager at Essay Services Reviews Club. She loves to travel, socialize, and talk about literature and contemporary art. In recent years, Laura started taking more interest in topics considering the health and quality of life of women. You can follow her on twitter.


The views expressed herein this article, written by a guest contributor, do not necessarily represent those of the Red Hot Mamas organization. The content is for informational purposes and should not substitute the advice of your doctor.