Author Archives: Guest Author

Why Menopause Should Be Your Ticket to Travel 

Written by Amanda Winstead -Guest Contributor You’re in a time of your life where you’re going through yet another major transition. And frankly, it’s an inconvenient one: menopause typically arrives during an already busy time in women’s lives. You may ...

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5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Heart

Written by Sam Perry- Guest Contributor Are you struggling to boost your heart health and enhance your overall well-being in today’s fast- paced world? You’re not alone. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, maintaining a strong heart has ...

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Building a Digital Community Around Menopause

Written by Ainsley Lawrence- Guest Contributor Menopause can be a particularly challenging time for many women. Yes, middle age and later life can offer so many rich and positive experiences. Nevertheless, menopause symptoms and the way they affect your day-to-day ...

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Out with the Old, in with the New in 2024

Written by Sarah Kaminski- Guest Contributor Ringing in the new year is often accompanied by decisions to make some life changes. In fact, according to statistical data, 37% of Americans have a goal or resolution in mind for 2024, with ...

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Oral Health Changes and Maintaining Your Smile

Written by Ainsley Lawrence- Guest Contributor Menopause is a monumental change in a woman’s body. Hormones are changing at a rate commensurate with puberty and it can affect all sorts of things. Many of us have heard hot flashes and ...

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Why Gardening Is Good for Your Soul

Written by Sarah Kiminski- Guest Contributor Gardening is an incredible hobby that can help your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. And while it’s somehow associated with little old ladies living in quaint British villages in most of our minds thanks ...

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