By: Red Hot Mamas
Published: September 15, 2024
From the Editor…Karen Giblin
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy: they are the charming gardeners who make us blossom”.
– Marcel Proust
Dear Red Hot Mamas,
The transition through menopause can be one of the most challenging times in a woman’s life. But keep in mind, even dealing with the uncomfortable and sometimes terrible menopausal symptoms, you should always remember that once menopause is over you will have a physical and emotional reprieve. As you will come to see you can move forward with your life perhaps even better than it was before. You must just put the pedal to the metal and pick up speed. You have the power to do this as this is the time that represents the most significant opportunities for you to do whatever you choose to do. All you need is to have confidence in yourself and have the necessary information that will avail you to make the next decades of your life the very best.
Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead said, “There is no greater power in the world than the zest of a postmenopausal woman.” So don’t let the doom and gloom connotations hold you back. Celebrate your postmenopausal years. Don’t be confined to your attic because now you are obviously wiser, and entering a new stage of your life that perhaps can be more adventurous than in the past. You may also be able to do the things that you always wanted to do.
Personally, for me, once I made it to the other side of menopause and am now postmenopausal, I felt an unparalleled sense of freedom. My perspective in life has changed and I have felt more energized in all the new opportunities that I am now able to engage in. I look at things now with a sense of openness and curiosity and prioritize what I want to do and say no to things that interrupt my life. What a sense of freedom, postmenopausal years have allotted to me. I can now curate my postmenopausal life.
So, what do you want to do for the next few decades?
If you have a burning yearning to learn there are many universities that allow you to audit classes for free.
If you have the energy and enthusiasm to contribute your talents toward the greater good of society there are many volunteerism activities for you to consider: you could volunteer at a school, hospital, local library, at a senior citizens center, at a local soup kitchen or even a political campaign.
If you always wanted to learn a musical instrument, now could be the time.
If you have always wanted to travel, millions of postmenopausal women have the time to travel, even if they travel alone and there are many websites and organizations that can help you with travel information.
If you have a passion for starting a new career, opening a small business, returning to the workplace, or even doing consulting work your knowledge and judgement skills will be of value to do these things.
Other fun things you might consider gardening, learning to paint, participating in a book club, taking a dance class, taking a writing class or taking a cooking class.
Just remember, celebrate the new you and all you have accomplished in your menopause discovery journey.
Good Health to You All,
Karen Giblin