Ask the Experts- October 2024

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: October 9, 2024

Dear Red Hot Mamas,

I know this may sound peculiar, but I need to ask it anyway. I have been in a healthy relationship with my husband since I started college. Unfortunately, my spouse passed away about seven years ago. Considering my age (58) and my life stage, I am quite lonely and would like to find someone who wants a long-term relationship or marriage. Can you please offer some suggestions to help me? I’m just not ready to place a personal ad.

Thank you.


Dear Barbara,

There are many things you can do to find that special someone. Here are a few things for consideration:

  • Indulge your special interests with others by attending activities which interest you. For example, attending public events (fairs, festivals, auto shows, museums, art shows, and nature parks, etc.  These events allow you to make new friends that have the same interests. Check your local newspaper for these events.
  • Chatting it up at your place of worship. This activity allows you to make friends and mix with people.
  • Enroll in adult just for fun class from sports, dancing to learning a new language. And you will also expand your mind and get in shape too. Choose a class that allows you to laugh and interact with people whom you might consider dating.
  • Join a gym. Some gyms have juice bars where you can meet and mingle.
  • Volunteering your time for doing something worthwhile. Helping people in greater need can keep you connected to the world and people will benefit from your efforts.
  • Flash your smile in everyday places especially if you see an interesting person perhaps on a train, in a store or elevator. Always keep your eyes and ears open. Even at the drycleaners.
  • Explore singles specific events. Singles dances, parties, dinners, sports tournaments, etc.
  • Online dating services. The services computer program selects certain people who match you to another person who has your likes, passions, and goals. However, no one interviews the applicant or verifies the accuracy of the responses.

Just stay positive as you can meet a great man. There are many emotionally available men out there that are sincere and are marriage minded like yourself.  Happy hunting!