Author Archives: admin

Benefits of Meditation on Your Health and Sex Life

If you had asked me 5 years ago whether I thought that meditation was an integral component of health and wellness I probably would have shrugged and perhaps even chuckled.  Well, since then, I have learned that meditation, in particular ...

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Is It True? Age Matters to Hormone Therapy

Our heads are spinning as more and more hormone therapy news is released.  Feeling dizzy?  So am I! Actually, my spins are steadying because it looks as if the news is staying consistent for the time being.

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Habitual Cola Drinkers at Increased Ostoeporosis Risk

Before you sip a soft drink, learn the hard facts about soda and its association with osteoporosis. The National Osteoporosis Foundation estimates that about 55 percent of Americans ages 50 and older are at risk for developing osteoporosis.

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10 Myths About Women’s Health Over 40

From drug ads to diet books, we hear so much about menopause and women’s health that it can be hard to know what’s true. We’ve listed 10 common myths – and the reasons why women should not believe them.

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Breast Cancer and Hormone Therapy: Part Deux

It is rare to find a movie sequel anywhere near as good as the original.   This “part deux” continues with the elements of the original story with the same cast of characters and settings.  But, I must warn you.  This ...

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Hormone Therapy: Q&A With Dr. Goldstein

This Q&A was created by Dr. Andrew Goldstein, recounting the types of questions he is being asked in his gynecological practice in the aftermath of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study evaluating combined estrogen and progestin use in postmenopausal women ...

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New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines for 2007

New guidelines from the American Cancer Society (ACS) may help detect breast cancer earlier than current methods.  Early detection increases a woman’s chances of survival by allowing physicians to treat the cancer early.  If you are a woman with a ...

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