Dear Red Hot Mamas- April 2019

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: April 9, 2019

“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.”
– George Burns

Dear Red Hot Mamas,

Stress affects us in many ways and it can be a real pleasure killer. It also can lead to a wide range of illnesses – from headaches, fatigue, muscle tension, stomach disorders, depression and even cause major health problems like heart disease. That’s why it is so vitally important to keep your stress levels in check and combat your stress.

If you know you can’t change a situation and this is causing you chronic stress, then try to become more flexible. It’s essential to let go of things and not get anxious about things which you cannot modify.   I find it helps to focus on something that makes me to feel calm. By doing this it provides me a peace of mind and helps me to feel more in control.

Exercise is an excellent stress reliever. Just getting outdoors even if it is 15 minutes a day taking a brief walk will provide a healthy outlet to relieve stress.

Try to relax. Sit in a comfortable chair with a cup of tea and read a good book. Just unwind and recharge. Meditation and deep breathing are also great ways to help you feel more relaxed. Yoga and massage are helpful, too.

Smile, stay positive and get the giggles. You’ve head the adage “laughter is the best medicine” well it has been found that laughter does indeed lower stress hormones. So, watch a funny movie or read a humor book and enjoy the immediate mood lift.

Keep a happiness journal and list each day all the little things that make you happy. For instance, some things that make me happy are: warm weather lunches outside; going to yard sales early on summer mornings; planting flowers in my garden; having the time to reread books that I love; and dreaming nice dreams. I’d love to hear some of the things that make you happy, too.

Sometimes the best way to deal with your own stress is to help others. It will take the focus off your challenges and you will provide relief for someone else who needs help.

Here are other ways to help you handle stress:

Make time for yourself – 15 minutes each day do something special for yourself like making time to call a friend, soak in a warm bathtub, do something you enjoy even if it is playing a 15 minute backgammon game on your phone.

Get plenty of sleep. Eight hours of sleep is a great way to help combat stress. Try to establish a calming nighttime ritual and turn off your iPad and telephone.

Eat right – Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine which can worsen stress on your body

Exercise – Your body makes endorphins after you work out which relieves stress and will help to improve your mood.

Talk to a therapist if you can’t deal with problems. A therapist can help you work through ways to help you deal with your problems.

In closing, reducing stress takes some work. However, the improvement you’ll see in your health and happiness will be well worth all the effort you put into it.

So, I hope you will become proactive to combating your stress.

Good Health to You All,

Karen Giblin