By: Red Hot Mamas
Published: December 8, 2016
Dear Red Hot Mamas,
The holidays are the one time of the year when you really want to feel your best. But, ’tis the season’ that many of us feel so stressed due to an overload of obligations; we overindulge in food and alcohol; and, we don’t allow ourselves to get the exercise we need to stay healthy.
It’s essential for you to add a little wiggle room in your hectic schedule to take care of yourself. Try to avoid stress and learn to relax. A little self-indulgence is good for you. And, do whatever it takes to help you stay calm. It can make a tremendous impact on your health.
Personally, I find shopping is a good way to stay active. A quick trip to the mall, embarking on a marathon of walking has benefits not only to my mental health, but also to my physical health. It’s not just about standing and flipping through the racks of clothes at a retail store that you like. It’s about the benefits derived from the hours of walking I do when I shop. Yes, shopping is very mood lifting, and it gets those endorphins flowing in full swing. Shopping from one department store to the next, and carrying bags actually is a good workout not only for your body, but also for your heart.
Physical activity has benefits in lowering not only our BMI’s, but also lowering your risk for becoming overweight or obesity.
For example, a 130-pound person, walking at a moderate pace burns 60 to 70 calories per half-hour or 120 to 140 calories per hour. For a 200-pound person, it burns 90 to 100 calories per half-hour or 180 to 200 calories per hour.
It’s also important for you to take care of yourself on your all day shopping trips. Be sure to stay hydrated. Bring that bottle of water with you and drink at least 8 (8 ounce glasses) per day. Don’t forget your feet. Wear shoes that are cushioned and comfortable. In your purse carry only the essentials. Empty your purse of all those heavy things. This will lighten the heaviness of your purse to prevent muscle soreness and back problems.
Here are some simple tips to keep your spending in check for the holidays include:
- Make a shopping list. Decide what you want before you head to the store.
- Shop with coupons and use your rewards. Some credit cards offer cash back or points programs which can be redeemed for those holiday presents.
- Consider paying in cash. This helps you stay within your budget.
The holidays are a great time to reconnect with friends, as well as, to spend time with family and loved ones. Please remember that our team at Red Hot Mamas are your friends, you can simply connect with us not only during the holidays, but all year through.
We wish you a happy holiday season from the Red Hot Mamas.
Good Health to you all,
Karen Giblin