By: Red Hot Mamas
Published: May 12, 2016
Contributed by Dr. Mache Seibel- Red Hot Mamas Medical Expert
Welcome Your New Mind
Am I losing my mind?!
Menopause not only affects your body; it also affects your mind. The unbalanced hormones that cause your body to act and feel differently can also cause your mind to act and feel differently as well.
Fortunately, some women will sail through the transition into menopause and beyond with minimal changes. But most experience changes that are at best uncomfortable and at worst have a major impact on their mental health. Getting the emotional support you need is very important.
Where are my car keys?
Brain fog and memory losses are so common that many women feel they can’t depend on their memory any more. Some of it is due to the effect of unbalanced hormones directly on memory, but some of it is due to difficulty falling asleep, and waking up at night due to hot flashes or going to the bathroom, It’s easy to understand how being chronically sleep deprived can do a number on your memory.
Chronically tired people are also much more likely to feel irritable, moody, and unfocused. Unbalanced hormones also have a direct effect on the brain, making mood swings, anxiety and depression much more common.
Balancing hormones, controlling sleep, exercising and good nutrition are very helpful ways to bring emotions back into control. Stress reduction, cognitive behavioral therapy and sometimes medication can also be helpful. It’s a good idea to coordinate your mental health provider with your physical health care provider.
My medicines aren’t working?
Women who have a known psychological condition may find that their fluctuating hormones and lower estrogen levels in and around menopause affect their symptoms, and treatment that has worked well for a while might become less effective. Treating the symptoms of menopause is very helpful in controlling your mood, so it bears repeating – coordinate your menopause expert and mental health expert to get the best results.
Other Emotional Symptoms During “The Change”
Some women notice other emotional symptoms as well, such as clinical depression, panic attacks, crying more easily, obsessive thinking, stressed out and others. There is a lot you can do about all these feelings and estrogen plays a major role.
Take Action: In the best selling book, The Estrogen Window, estrogen’s role in mood, memory and mental health is clearly explained. Find out how and when to take estrogen to lower your risk of depression, anxiety and dementia, and what happens when your window of opportunity closes. It’s time to figure it out so you don’t have to tough it out.