Tag Archives: womens health

Dear Red Hot Mamas-March 2020

“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.” -Publilius Syrus Dear Red Hot Mamas, While our beloved Italy has shut down, we have learned the infinite importance of staying healthy. It is on all of our minds ...

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The French Paradox: 2 Secrets for a Healthier Diet

Written by Beatrice Beard-Guest Contributor Health and food walk hand in hand. What we consume affects our bodies greatly, causing countless diseases such as obesity, heart conditions, high levels of cholesterol and diabetes. Why the amount of people that suffer ...

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Making A Career Change Later in Life

Written by Brooke Faulkner-Guest Contributor Change is not just for the young. Adventures are not just for the inexperienced. Whether you’re 15 or 50, trying new things is what keeps us youthful. The fact is that life is long and ...

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Dear Red Hot Mamas- January 2020

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey Dear Red Hot Mamas, The New Year and New Decade is Calling For many of us, December was all about overindulgence- spending too ...

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Healthy Eating Tips That Will Improve Your Overall Life

Written by Dr. Harry Horgan- Guest Contributor Healthy eating isn’t about strict limitations, staying unimaginably slim or depriving yourself of foods that you actually love. It’s about feeling great, both mentally and physically, having energy, boosting your mood and improving ...

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The Calming Effects of Aquatic Therapy for Menopausal Health

Written by Nikos Vasilellis- Guest Contributor Aquatic therapy is gradually growing in popularity. It is useful in treating and controlling conditions where land-based therapies fail. Aquatic therapy is especially effective in women over fifty years undergoing menopause. Menopause is a natural process that ...

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Dear Red Hot Mamas- December 2019

“Love the giver more than the gift.” – Brigham Young Dear Red Hot Mamas, Happy Holidays from our team at Red Hot Mamas! I sure hope that you can enhance the pleasure of your holidays by making your health a ...

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