Dear Red Hot Mamas- August 2016

By: Red Hot Mamas

Published: August 9, 2016

“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat”
                                        – Ann Landers

Dear Red Hot Mamas,

Hello summer!  The dog days of summer have begun.  Our barbecues may be working on overtime and our pale legs have finally seen the sun.  And, hopefully, our gardens are flourishing and are in full bloom.

While the temperature outside soars, here are some tips to help keep your internal thermostat down:

Stay healthy, eat right and stay hydrated.

Choose the right foods. Staying hydrated and getting the right nutrients can make summer living a breeze.  Summer can take a toll on your body! Skin can become dry and damaged from the sun, chlorine and saltwater that it may have been exposed to.

You can help out your dry skin by eating foods that are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.  Raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are a great choice.  Why not make a tropical treat by skewering fruit on fancy toothpicks and arranging them on a platter, just like they do in Hawaii.  Or, make a delicious smoothie blending fruits together. I love to put my smoothie in a glass with a cute little cocktail umbrella in it.

Eating fruits and vegetables are not only good for your skin but it can help ward off heart disease, stroke, control blood pressure, cholesterol and even prevent some types of cancer.  It may also guard against cataracts and macular degeneration.  Fruits and vegetables tend to have high water content.  And, upping your intake of water in the summer is a great idea to help meet your hydration needs.

So, don’t forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.  Thirst is not a reliable measure of hydration.  In the summer months, women should drink 8 to 10 cups of water to prevent dehydration.  And, if you exercise, drink 2 cups of water two hours prior to your workout and then drink an additional ½ cup for every 15 minutes of activity.

Try to maximize those final lazy days of summer and visit those farmers markets. Take advantage of the sweet savings on seasonal fruit. Pick out fresh, wholesome ingredients to make for dinner.

Make the most of the final moments of August. Invite your friends for a potluck barbecue in the back yard and have some fun.  And, don’t let the heat beat you this year!

Good health to you all,

Karen Giblin